Federation Staff

Some of our staff work across the federation to support all three schools. They may be based in one school and visit others or work equally between the three schools. Many of our staff have federation contracts which enables us to place staff where there is greatest need and use the skills of our staff where they are best suited. The following staff have perminent roles which are spread across the federation:
Mrs Claire Kenworthy - Federation Head Teacher
Mrs Amy Creamer - Federation Deputy Head Teacher
Miss Emma Walton - Federation Deputy Head Teacher
Mrs Victoria Shackleton - Federation SENCO
Mr Neil Hill - Federation Business Manager
Clough Head School
The following teaching staff are currently based at Clough Head School. They are supported by a team of dedicated Educational and SEN Support Staff.
Miss Chelsea Sykes - Class 1 Teacher
Mr Lance Hirsch - Class 2 Teacher
Mrs Marina Cooper - Class 3 Teacher
Miss Candice Travis - Class 3 Teacher and Maths Leader (TLR)
Mr Edward Purcell - Music Teacher
Mrs Stephanie Crowther - HLTA / PPA cover teacher

Wellhouse School
The following teaching staff are based at Wellhouse School. They are fortunate to be supported by a strong team of Educational Teaching Support and SEN Support Staff with a wide range of skills.
Miss Johanna Bloxham - Class 1 Teacher
Miss Emily Heaphy - Class 2 Teacher
Mrs Amy Wallace - Class 3 Teacher
Mr Edward Purcell - Music teacher
Mrs Joanne Garside - HLTA / PPA cover teacher
Wilberlee School
The following members of staff are based currently at Wilberlee School. They are supported by an established and expanding team of support staff.
Mrs Amy Creamer - Deputy Head Teacher and Class 3 Teacher
Mrs Katie Wood - Class 3 Teacher
Miss Georgina Hulme - Class 2 Teacher
Miss Emma Walton - Deputy Head Teacher and Class 1 Teacher
Mrs Emma Barnes - Class 1 Teacher
Mr Eddie Purcell - Music Teacher
Miss Amelia Garner - HLTA / PPA cover teacher

Staff Responsibilities
We have a strong teaching team across the three schools of our federation and our staff work closely together to plan for an exciting and stimulating curriculum to challenge, support and encourage our pupils to learn to the best of their abilities. Our staff come from a diverse range of backgrounds with a variety of experience which allows us to use the skills of our staff to the best of their abilities. The following responsibilities are shared between staff of the federation:
Literacy - Katie Wood
Numeracy - Candice Travis
Science - Emma Barnes
EYFS and Class 1 Team Leader - Emma Walton
PSHCE - Amy Creamer
Computing and ICT Infrastructure - Lance Hirsch/Claire Kenworthy
Assessment - Emma Walton
Curriculum - Amy Creamer
RE - Marina Cooper
MFL - Marina Cooper
Safeguarding - Claire Kenworthy
Students/Volunteers/NQT Mentor - Amy Creamer/Emma Walton
Music - Eddie Purcell
Sports Premium - Amy Wallace / Neil Hill
PE Coordination - Amy Wallace
SEN - Victoria Shackleton
Pastoral Leader (including attendance) - Claire Kenworthy
Clough Head Website - Neil Hill/Michelle Miller
Wilberlee Website - Neil Hill/Adele Fawcett
Wellhouse Website - Neil HIll/Charlotte Bamforth
Pupil Premium - Claire Kenworthy
GDPR - Claire Kenworthy